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Jon Laos

Project Resume
Graduated from RIT in Industrial & Systems Engineering


University Projects:

Senior Design: Autonomous Vehicle Development

Goal: Level 3 autonomous vehicle capable of transporting guests across campus
Mechanical: Rapid prototyping of custom parts. Integrated LiDAR, Camera and RealSense sensors, while maintaining vehicle systems
Electrical: Wiring harness modifications for expanded sensor array
Software: Achieved vehicle localization by re-developing the NavStack. Integrated particle filter algorithms and a Computer Vision image segmentation feature

Electro-Mechanical Simulation of Human Circulatory System

Goal: To develop a simulated human circulatory system capable of reproducing physiological conditions. Simulator used in future research to test the performance of blood pumps (LVAD) as they interact with the native circulatory system
Mechanical: Fabricate custom parts to develop a test environment instrumented to accurately measure the flow of fluid and pressure at four points of interest
Electrical: Utilized a DAQ board to integrate an array of actuators & sensors
Software: Created a GUI for data collection & system controls of the simulator

Neural Net Research for RIT Campus Energy Expenditure

Goal: Utilize large data sets to forcast NET energy expenditure of the RIT campus
Why: As one of the largest energy consumers in Rochester. Local energy provider presented an opportunity for savings if days of peak usage could be identified
Challenges: RIT's 2-MW solar array has a large impact on the net energy, weather permitting. A subset of research involved training Neural Nets to predict the weather
Software: Utilized R programming (tidyverse) to perform a data driven time series analysis. Data visualization played a key role in sharing insights with stakeholders

Engineering Skills


3D Printing
CAD Design
Vehicle Systems
Sensor Integration


Wiring Harness Assembly
Circuit Simulation
Vehicle Controls


Data Analysis & Visualization [R]
C++ ✻ Python ✻ LabView ✻ ROS
Front-End [JavaScript/ReactNative]
Mobile App Development


Part of what CHIARO does, is give an easy overview of all the elected officials paid to represent the location or address one inputs. Making objective information accessible to all is the goal. More to come soon ...